
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Look What I Earned

I am Learning to tube !!!

I can't wait to post tubes for you all !!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Woo Hoo I've got Internet Back it's slow but who cares...

I made this template from a tut credits are on the preview

My Drop Box

If The Link doesn't work Please let me know
It is Large so it will be viewed better on larger screens
resize as you wish
Hope you like it

Sunday, April 2, 2017

1 of my medical issues this is not mine I copied it from Britannica and provided a link to the whole article

This is What Is Keeping me Ill and Unemployable

Please click the Britannica link to read full info 

Herniaprotrusion of an organ or tissue from its normal cavity. The protrusion may extend outside the body or between cavities within the body, as when loops of intestine escape from the abdominal cavity  
The term is usually applied, however, to an external herniation of tissue through the abdominal wall.
An abdominal hernia, or rupture, may occur at any weak point in the abdominal wall. 
A hernia may be present at birth as the result of defective development of the abdominal wall, or it may occur later in life as the result of an injury. An acquired hernia usually is caused by overexertion, as in lifting a heavy weight, jumping off a high wall, or violent coughing. 
The hernia may be classified as reducible, irreducible, or strangulated.reducible hernia is one in which the contents can be pushed back into the abdomen and often may be held in place by a truss, a pad of heavy material that is placed over the herniated area. A truss is usually a temporary expedient and is seldom used as a substitute for surgical care. 
 A strangulated hernia is one in which the circulation of blood through the hernia is impeded by pinching at the narrowest part of the passage; congestion is followed by inflammation, infection, and gangrene. The tighter the constriction, the more rapidly these events take place; unrelieved strangulation may be fatal. Surgery is often necessary for the permanent relief of reducible hernia, and it is the only safe treatment for more advanced forms.

I have had 3 repairs none have lasted longer than 1 yr. the avg. has been 8 months

so, until I can find a DR. willing to do the BIG repair (4 hrs plus) and EXPENSIVE I remain "economically nonviable"  meaning I'm screwed. 

I've almost died twice from the dang thing ... oh well what does  not kill us ...makes us stronger ?LOL ..Hi I'm Atlas Nice to Meet you LOLOLOLOLOL

If I don't make jokes I'll cry.

Moving Again


This is what happens when you are technically homeless...

I have a new storage place..LOL

I call it that because I never know how long I'll be there.

I will be checking in and posting from the library so once maybe twice a week .

Wish me luck and and stuff .

It has  to get better right?

"always  keep on the bright side of life" (Life of Brian-Monty Python)

What I've been up to ..Incredimail and LC

OK here is some of what I've been up to...

This is a small sample of a Letter Creator Incredimail Stationary
I made it..Following a Tutorial by   Kim's Korner Kreationz

The Artist I used is a General Permission Artist 

Please respect his Copyright

The egg or jelly bean line which ever you see it as LOL is made by me using the pre set tool in Paint Shop Pro I'm still using my old copy Version 9 so it's Jasc not corel works good enough for me .

IF  I could figure out how to upload the orange envelope I'll let you snag it if you wanted it.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Image Metadata a definition
just a bit of information

It's called  Meta data I believe

It should be used more I think it is hidden within the image not visible but when someone takes an image and opens it in Paint Shop or Photoshop it will be in Image information.

I know you can lock information like this to be read  only and not alterable but I do not remember how.
I think  it might help identify images better because even if the file name has been changed if you kept the original name or creator info locked in to the meta file...that would be recoverable.

Just a thought.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Here is another great tut

Listen to the Music

Tube Image is a Group Permission Artist
Ken Martin

Here is a great looking tag tut I love owls 

I used a Lia image General Permission Artist Thank her by following her Terms

Tags and Tut Links

I'm going to post a few Tutorial Links

go here

Horseplay's tut Pat Midnight

This is my go at the tutorial

I like how it turned out

MADE FOR ME- TY TY TY TY to my group Buddies

MADE FOR ME TY TY TY TY to my Group Buddies for making them for me

MADE FOR ME -TY Group Members Love yah

I'm going to post tags made by my fellow group members so this will be a long set of posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

MADE BY ME - TUTS By Others will post them later if I remember LOL

 I'm going to try posting some tag's I've made lately and I promise I will have art and such available as soon as my PC is out of the shop

If this blog let's you comment and you'd like the links to the tutorials I followed I'll be happy to post them for you

HELP PLEASE READ and Share if you can

Ok so someday's this won't be about craft's but it is DIY

Please go here and read my Updates

or check in here

or even here

I'm on Twitter too

Oh yeah I'm at

I think that's it LOL

Sunday, February 19, 2017

SBQDawn5's QTO-1 Horse album on Photobucket

This is a place I put my tags to share what I'm up to in PSP

IF you find your name yes you can snag it do NOT change file name or remove any copyright information

if you can leave some love

SBQDawn5's QTO-1 Horse album on Photobucket

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Some New Things I'm Up To

Find me here

I need help so spread the work ask me questions

Sorry folks Links are all down

I will be trying to fix everything so don't give up I will be using a different sharing site 4 shared is not reliable ...I'm considering drop box ...possibly google will have something new....
Hope everyone is well.
I have a lot of things to blog about  ...some good  some not so much but I need a place to vent and if you want to write back I'll make sure you can post reply's ...

I'm 50 now and 2016 was rough but If you can survive it ...well how bad is it really right?